One Day : Matt & Jeff Alligood - The Canopy


Location : The Sierras Shaver Lake, California
Profession / passion : Building tiny homes in nature
Website :
Instagram : @thecanopysierras

One Day is an ongoing project sparked by the Covid-19. In the days of isolation we would like to focus on what we do best; bringing people together. Read more about the project here.
We will be posting one new day of someones life every day until we run out of contributors. See
our instagram stories to experience these peoples One Day in action.

What is The Canopy?
Two brothers, Matt & Jeff, decided to finish out their 2019 in the woods of the Sierra National Forest of Central California, doing exactly what they’ve always dreamed of doing since leaving their childhood backyard - Get deep in nature far away from all the noise, listen to music and build this case; Tiny Homes.
The brothers have been working the last 2 years on building an off grid retreat, called The Canopy Sierras, where friends, family and guests can disconnect from their addictive technologies and reconnect with themselves and loved ones through nature. 
So far they have, by hand, built 2 tiny homes, a stargazing deck, a hot water shower, compost toilet, yoga deck and few other amenities for guests to come stay and experience some of the magic up there on 20 acres of land on a west facing ridge at the edge of the Sierras.
This spot on the mountain is about 5,400 feet up in the sky and looks up at night to the milky way in the back half of the land and down at the city lights of central valley in the front. 
Jeff is currently in  Switzerland to work on learning new building techniques while Matt is back in Philadelphia to help run the brothers Energy Consulting Business.  Never in their life did they think it would be so hard to get back out there in the Spring of 2020. 

Answers below by Matt.

What is the story behind your profession/ passion? 
I grew up in a small town outside of Philly building tree forts and bike ramps with my older brother, Matt. 
From there, I knew I always loved to be outside and use my hands to create something that was not there before. After University, I really wanted to start something where I was able to use my hands as well as help lower carbon emissions on our planet, so Matt and I started up a sustainability company where we learned to design energy efficient homes which allowed us to work with our hands even more. 
From there, I ended up purchasing a rundown house that needed a lot of work and love, so I was able to learn more building skills and be able to make my house my artistic canvas. After 5 years, I started outgrow my house after realizing there was not more space to create… I knew I was ready for a larger space to create and let free.
I drove across the country in 2017 on route to Burning Man and after attending this beautiful experience, I became captivated on purchasing bare land to build “a playground for adults.” So Matt and I, created the Canopy, a place for people to disconnect with the social character they’ve created and reconnect with that child in the woods.

How do you want people to react to your work passion?
I want people to feel like their true self, not worrying about what people are thinking or feeling. A place to disconnect to reconnect within.

If you work with a partner, when and how did you meet? 
I work with my brother Matt, and we met once I became old enough and coherent on life. It was most likely him telling me to do something stupid or causing a raucous. 

How has the current situation affected how you work? 
Work has changed in the course of what type of stuff I am building but still creating and building as much as possible for friends and family.

What is the most inspiring text you read recently?
Malcolm X Biography.

Describe a smell that brings back memories to you. 
The smell of Pine Trees – brings me back to climbing rock walls, chasing chickens and jumping in the river that was surrounded by pine trees.

What traits do you treasure in other people? 
Genuineness, Compassion, Confident, Humorous


What was the most defining moment in your life? 
Purchasing the property in California, which truly set my life on the path that I will continue for the rest of my life.

Quality or quantity? 

Who do you miss? 
I miss my Grandma (Grams), who is my all-time favorite person in the entire world. She brings, unlimited wisdom, pure love and peace to this earth.

When was the last time you learned something new and what was it?
I just learned how to paint porcelain last week which has been very relaxing. 

How do you relax? 
I honestly do not relax as much as I should. I do like the read in the morning and do some yoga when I am up at the property. But relaxing to me is doing some sort of creation whether it is building pathways or painting.

What does freedom mean to you? 
Not having a phone in my presence while being in nature.

Should calm come from within or be facilitated by the environment? 
Personally, the environment brings me calmness which then sets me in the direction and state of being calm.

Lastly, how do wish to see this current situation have a positive impact on our lives? 
I hope that everyone gets a chance to realize and take a step back from work and appreciate the time that they can spend on themselves and with their family. The environment is finally getting chance to breathe again and back to how it should feel without the movement of humans moving throughout the world.