One Day : Kate Berry - Photographer


Location : Los Angeles
Profession / passion : Photographer
Website :
Instagram : @katebe_

One Day is an ongoing project sparked by the Covid-19. In the days of isolation we would like to focus on what we do best; bringing people together. Read more about the project here.
We will be posting one new day of someones life every day until we run out of contributors. See
our instagram stories to experience these peoples One Day in action.  

A text, song or film that everyone should experience. 
Mos Def "Kalifornia"

What is the story behind your profession/ passion?
Photography was a hobby I explored whilst travelling, I had no formal training. I worked in fashion then in strategy at a design agency in London until friends encouraged me to try and make it work as a freelancer. That was 9 years ago - I've been shooting ever since and three years ago I made the move to LA.

How do you want people to react to your work / passion?
I want to capture beauty and inspire, but I want my work to be accessible. I love beautiful places and objects but I also l see beauty in grittiness, real life, real stories, real characters and I don't see a problem with the juxtaposition of those two sides to my work (and personality). I want to transport my audience to wherever I am, not think it's out of their reach. Mainly I want my work to have soul.

How has the current situation affected how you work?
I always create new bodies of work when I travel and constantly feel a need to experience new places so not being able to go anywhere right now is challenging. That said, I am currently staying with friends in one of the most beautiful places on earth - the Californian desert, and I am totally transfixed by the desert flowers/ colour palette and landscapes out here, not to mention the house I'm staying in, owned by a British mother/ daughter team who run a gallery and shop in Venice (@merchantmodern) and make art themselves. I'm also learning to accept that there are times when I just don't feel creative, and inthose times focus on developing a new website and selling prints of old work to try and raise some money!

Your greatest achievement?
Obtaining an artist visa and making the move to Los Angeles.

Analog or digital?
Both have their place, but you can't replicate the magic of analog.

Describe a smell that brings back memories to you.
Stove top coffee brewing reminds me of holidays in Europe.

Your best trait?
Groundedness and the ability to laugh at anything.

What traits do you treasure in other people?
A positive and open-minded outlook, groundedness, realness, warmth, honesty and humour.

Your most treasured possession?
My 'Mothership' ring (shaped like a boob) designed by Topanga based artist Carly Jo Carson.

Quality or quantity?

Who do you miss?
Right now, my parents, as I don't know when I'll see them anytime soon.

How was your spiritual and religious upbringing and how did it shape you?
It was always there but I didn't really explore, experience or acknowledge my 'spirituality' until I spent an extended period living in nature in California and subsequently decided to trade a (somewhat) London party lifestyle for a healthier existence out here, with closer access to sunshine and nature. And then I read Jodorowsky's The Spiritual Journey which made me see everything differently. A clear mind and healthy body facilitates a spiritual practice, but I think balance and non-judgment does too.

When was the last time you learned something new and what was it?
Last summer inspired by my Venice Beach community I learnt to skateboard (no tricks yet but I can get from A to B)

Have you actively chosen to live in the city/town you live in?
Moving to Los Angeles took a couple of years from concept to actualization and then Venice Beach chose me, and I wouldn't live anywhere else in the city now. I love the old school community that still remains and find living by the ocean soothing.

How do you relax?
A daily meditation practice and yoga. During quarantine I've been getting into natural wines. Relaxing without the hangover.

What does freedom mean to you?
It's everything I strive for. The freedom to go anywhere, pack up, start again if necessary and walk away from anything that doesn't serve you. Incredibly grateful for the freedom that I know so many others don't have right now.

Do you have any regrets in life?
No! And long may that continue.

Should calm come from within or be facilitated by the environment?
I think you should be able to find it within yourself no matter where you are, but environment definitely helps.

Lastly, how do wish to see this current situation have a positive impact on our lives?
I would like to see things slow down a little, for humans to become more considered in their actions/ conscious of others and the planet, a movement towards a community mindset and the sharing of resources. The earth needs time to heal. Less capitalism, materialism, consumption, waste, fickleness. A chance to re-asses, re-configure, re-invent. And for me personally, never has it been more important to stay present and show gratitude.