One day : Toby Gamston - Woodworker


Location : Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Profession / passion : Woodworker
Instagram : @tobgam

One Day is an ongoing project sparked by the Covid-19. In the days of isolation we would like to focus on what we do best; bringing people together. Read more about the project here.
We will be posting one new day of someones life every day until we run out of contributors. See
our instagram stories to experience these peoples One Day in action.  

What is the story behind your profession/ passion?
In all honesty, my story begins from a place of boredom. Having left school and deciding university wasn’t for me, I found a piece of timber at home and started making some bits and bobs. I’ve always loved making, in-fact some of my earliest memories are of helping both my father and my grandfather in the garage or workshop - these are skills that over the years I’ve not only grown and developed, but become more and more grateful for. 

How do you want people to react to your work?
I think I just want people to really appreciate it. 

How has the current situation affected your work?
It’s not been great financially, but I’m remaining positive. A lot of my work nowadays is based in people’s houses making larger items, so I’ve really missed being in my workshop for the last few months. It’s great to get a change of scenery and get back in the workshop at the moment just taking photos of any remaining stock and of little setups to stay present on my social media accounts.

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Your greatest achievement?
Probably having the opportunity to write a book

Describe a smell that brings back memories for you?
Just the smell of sawdust. Takes me right back to my grandfathers workshop.

Quality or quantity?

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How was your spiritual and religious upbringing and how did it shape you?
I was brought up in a Christian home but I don’t want to say I’m religious, in-fact I don’t really like organised religion very much. I’ve been hurt and judged by religion, but relationship with Christ and knowing Him as a friend and saviour is a beautiful thing. When I understood that the foundations of Christianity are love, community and relationship, then I could forget all the rules and judgement that myself and so many people experience, and focus on the overwhelming love Christ has for me.

How do you relax?
I usually get out on my bike or head out for a run over the hills in the Cotswolds. Failing that, just getting out and wandering around the park with my dog usually does the trick.

Should calm come from within or be facilitated by the environment?
Calm can come from wherever you find it – I personally really believe that environment plays a huge part though. Come and hang out in my workshop if you if you want to experience a calm environment!

Lastly, how do you wish to see this current situation have a positive impact on our lives?
I’m not fully sure if this answers the question properly, but I read a quote from fashion designer Jerry Lorenzo  – ‘The biggest loss in the end is if we come out on the otherside of this unchanged.’ Hopefully that won’t be the case.