One Day : About


A project sparked by the Covid-19.
In the days of isolation we would like to focus on what we do best; bringing people together.

Starting Friday 27th of March 2020 at 10am.
Every single day until we run out of contributors we will be posting One Day in the life of a person somewhere in this world. This is a project running across our journal and our instagram. You will find actual snippets from the featured peoples life on our stories from 10am to 4pm every day.

Through the two years of Benk + Bo we have come across some of the most inspiring people we have ever met, from all across the world, and we would love to make this special moment in history a positive experience by encouraging people to connect through sharing their inspirations and passions with the rest of us who are wondering how to keep life rolling in a healthy pace after all the restrictions and lockdowns the world is now facing.

If you have any feedback, questions or would like to contribute shoot an email to or comment below.

Stay safe and stay happy!